LINQ HSTW25 25m 300kg Rescue Tripod Winch
- The LINQ Rescue Winch (HSTW25) is for use with LINQ Tripod (HSTP29). It is designed to keep you safe whilst entering, escaping, and working within confined spaces. Tripods, together with rescue winches are essential for anyone who works in confined spaces.
- 5.6 x Mechanical Advantage.
- It is to be used for raising or lowering of personnel or material into confined spaces.
- It is equipped with a mounting plate for robust fitting onto the tripod (HSTP29).
- Maximum lifting length: 25m.
- Corrosion resistant steel body
- Galvanised Steel Cable, 4.5mm Diameter
- Exceeds standard EN1496:2006
- Passed the corrosion test in accordance with ISO 9227:1990 – 24 hours
- Static Strength: 13.5kN for 3 minutes
- 203kg test mass can be raised by device without failure following dry and wet conditioning. Vertical distance of fall on release of device handle = 0 m.
- Rescue load: 300kg combined weight of rescuer and rescued – 5:1 safety factor applied