Bailey FS13542 170kg 2.1m 7 Step Aluminium Riveted P170 Job Station
The Bailey P170 range of platform stepladders offers the largest in class platform measuring 610 X 457mm. With a 170kg load rate and industrial duty rating it is extremely durable and job site ready. Available in both aluminium and fibreglass, with a factory fitted carry handle and castor system it will improve safety and efficiency on your work site. Safety gates are available as an accessory.
- Huge platform area (610 x 457mm) adds comfort and stability
- Trapezoidal step design provides a strong step to stile joint
- Multi-function handrail
- Checker plate deck pattern provides an anti-slip standing area
- Large anti-slip feet for stability and durability
- Convenient carry handle allows for easy transport
- Swivel castors for improved mobility
- Fully integrated bracing and castor system with a patented industry leading design
- Made to Australian Standards AS1892
- Type:Â 7 Step P170 Job Station
- Material: Aluminium
- Load Rate (kg): 170.0
- Australian Standards: AS1892
- Style: Riveted P170 Platform Ladders
- Maximum Standing Height (m):Â 4.00
- Size:Â 2.1
- Stepladder Height (m):Â 2.03
- Working Height Up To (m):Â 4.00
- Ladder Size (m):Â 2.10
- Platform Height (m):Â 2.03
- Approx. Product Height (m):Â 2.10
- Approx. Product Weight (kg):Â 27.4
- Fully Open Dimensions H x W x D (mm):Â 2940 H x 856 W x 1625 D