Pittsburgh 16226 227kg Dump Cart/Tipper Trailer
The Pittsburgh Heavy duty dump cart has been constructed with a durable powder coated steel finish featuring UV protection. It features a removable tailgate for easy loading and unloading even for oversized items. Constructed with safety in mind the product also features a pinned tow hitch, allowing it to be easily towed around on the back of a ride on mower, tractor or ATV. This product is a must, whether you’re into landscaping, construction or agriculture the Pittsburgh dump cart will be sure to help you get the job done!
- Huge 270kg Load Capacity
- Heavy Duty Steel Bed
- Scratch Resistant powder coated finish
- Quality Pin tow hitch
- Removable Tail Gate
- Ultra Durable Steel Chassis
- Length – 1040mm
- Width – 800mm
- Height – 300 mm
- Capacity – 227kg